
2013年7月10日—ThisisatoolformakingSelfExtractingEXEfilesfrom7-ZIPfiles.ThisprogramusesthemodifiedSFXmoduledevelopedbyOlegScherbakov.,MakeSFXisaveryeasytousepieceofsoftwaredevelopedtohelpuserscreateself-extractingarchiveswithminimumeffort.Youdon'treallyneedtohave ...,2015年1月8日—Itconsistsofasingleexecutable,whichyouhavetodownloadandrun,sothereisnoneedtogothroughaninstallationprocess.The ...,M...

7-ZIP SFX Maker 3.3 免安裝中文版

2013年7月10日 — This is a tool for making Self Extracting EXE files from 7-ZIP files. This program uses the modified SFX module developed by Oleg Scherbakov.

Download Make SFX

Make SFX is a very easy to use piece of software developed to help users create self-extracting archives with minimum effort. You don't really need to have ...

Download Make SFX Free

2015年1月8日 — It consists of a single executable, which you have to download and run, so there is no need to go through an installation process. The ...

Make SFX (Self

Make SFX is a free program that lets you make self-extracting archives under Windows platform (x86 & x64). Make SFX is particularly useful for creation of ...

Make SFX

2021年2月2日 — Make SFX Self-extracting archiver for Windows · $$ Cost: Free Freeware · Languages: English · Developer: Michal Kokorceny · Operating ...

Make SFX for Windows

Make SFX is a free program that lets you make self-extracting archives under Win32 platform. You can create a SFX module simple in three steps: 1.

Make SFX Alternatives and Similar Software

2021年12月1日 — The best Make SFX alternatives are 7z SFX-Creator, SFX Tool and 7z SFX Builder ... Portable. Discontinued. Last version, 3.3, released on December ...

Make SFX for Windows

Make SFX is a free program that lets you make self-extracting archives under Windows (x86 & x64) platform. Make SFX is particularly useful for creating ...

Make SFX 中文版

Make SFX 是一套Windows(32 位元和64 位元) 平台下能讓您製作自解壓縮檔案的免費程式,其能幫您將一般免安裝軟體(包含多個目錄或檔案)封裝、包裝成單一個執行檔,方便 ...